Player Handout 3

On the ground is a small journal. Among various notes, the following is written in Infernal:

- Everything goes as planned. The first human slaves have selected an excellent victim for me.

- The chosen girl is a tediously boring dupe. I savor the heartbreak she will feel when she learns the truth of “us”. I know I have work to complete, but the slow destruction of her innocence makes this task all the sweeter!

- Finally! The girl has accepted the box and opened it!

- The girl, as the initial subject, seems completely immune to the curse. She shows no physical signs. I have observed her infecting at least 3 others.

- Within hours, the secondary subjects are showing signs of disease and fatigue.

- Healers are also showing signs of the infection, the chain obviously holds through a 3rd generation. Also, standard curative magics fail to eradicate the curse as it is not truly a disease. Also, as you surmised, initial subject is an anchor-source for the spell.

- A human slave allowed himself to be infected and succumbed to the curse. I exposed him to several of your undead servants. Although touch would have sufficed, consumption of his flesh successfully passed the condition on to them. Given this news, use of the twin stone on the A. is advised.

- Initial subject has been hearing “voices” of victims. (Personality imprints?). They mentally communicate with her. She is calming and following my instruction. (She thought that her gods cursed her for our union. The fool!) Once shown how, she has developed a form of control over those affected.

- The curse’s chain continues through 5 generations. It seems infinitely viable. Girls’ father has hired mercenaries to find me. I am extracting her and returning with results tonight.